Munich-based Studio 100 Film will present two new German animated feature films at the upcoming European Film Market (EFM) in Berlin this February: Conni...
The 2D animated adult comedy-adventure Lesbian Space Princess has been acquired by U.K.-based Blue Finch for global distribution (excluding Australia and New Zealand). The...
U.K. animation production company Snafu Pictures and Serbian based Bauk Pictures have signed an agreement to co-produce a new animated sci-fi feature film, Beckoning....
Odin's Eye Entertainment, the Australia-based independent film sales agency which has handled the adult animated comedy Bad Cat as well as family titles like...
Studio 100 Media (Germany) and 3Doubles Producciones (Spain) announce the start of development of their collaborative CG-animated feature film, Flamingo Flamenco (80 minutes). Scheduled...
Japan’s Toei Animation will launch its new animated feature Hypergalactic, which boasts story and characters co-created by noted artist Naoto Oshima (Sonic the Hedgehog)...
Exorcism Chronicles: The Beginning, a new animated occult fantasy feature based on Woo-hyuk Lee’s best-selling fantasy novel Toemarok, will be introduced to international buyers...
Heading into the European Film Market in Berlin (Feb. 16-22), GFM Animation has announced it will partner with Gringo Films GmbH, Fabrique d’Images and...
Heading into the European Film Market, Paris-based company Indie Sales has released the official teaser trailer for Richard the Stork 2, directed by Mette...
St. Petersburg- and Moscow-based CTB Film Company is one of Russia’s biggest privately owned film production companies. Founded in 1992 by acclaimed producer Sergey...
VIEW Conference, in partnership with Baobab Studios and OGR, will next week present a virtual live screening, presentation and conversation with the filmmakers behind...
Russian animation powerhouse Wizart Animation has revealed the first teaser for the latest installment in The Snow Queen universe, The Snow Queen & The...
Organizers of the Berlin International Film Festival, Berlinale (, have announced a new concept and format adjustment for 2022. In a divergence from the...
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