HBO Max is ready to sleigh the holidays with its seasonal Max Original adult animated series, Santa Inc., from Lionsgate Television and Seth Rogen's...
Paramount Pictures today announced that Ramsey Naito will be leading its animation division as President, Animation & Development, Paramount Animation and Nickelodeon Animation. Mireille...
The RealTime Conference (RTC) announced the lineup of its Spring event, featuring three 16-hour days packed full of live presentations, discussions, interviews and real-time...
***This article originally appeared in the April '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 309)***
If you like your animated superheroes to be complicated characters who...
Today's immersive co-viewing event The Nickelodeon Virtual Upfront Show: Bring Your Kids! took attendees on an eye-opening tour across the Nickiverse, outlining what the...
Nickelodeon and award-winning Point Grey Pictures’ Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg and James Weaver are jointly announcing today that production will begin on an all-new...
It seems that the raunchy grocery romp Sausage Party whetted the animation appetites of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. According to Variety, the comedy...
Amazon has announced more voice casting for its upcoming animated adaptation of Robert Kirkman’s comic-book series, Invincible. Steven Yeun and J.K. Simmons have joined...
AMPAS announced that 89th Oscars sponsor Walmart has gifted $250,000 to the Academy Foundation in support of its educational outreach initiatives. The donative will...
South by Southwest (SXSW) has announced that Seth Rogen’s R-rated animated comedy feature Sausage Party will have its debut as a work-in-progress screening at...
FXX has preemptively nixed the female lead action-buddy comedy Cassius and Clay before its TV debut, Hollywood Reporter has confirmed. The 10-episode series was...
Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg have recruited an all-star voice cast for the duo's first animated feature film, Sausage Party.
James Franco, Michael Cera, Jonah...
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