The ribbiting animated comedy-adventure of Amphibia continues with Season 3 premiering this Saturday! Created and executive produced by Matt Braly (Gravity Falls), S3 of...
Tune into Disney Channel for a ribbeting Season 3 premiere of frog-out-of-water comedy Amphibia this fall! Also bowing on DisneyNOW, Matt Braley's Emmy-nominated series...
***This article originally appeared in the June-July '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 311)***
If you enjoy Fox's latest primetime animated series HouseBroken, you need...
Clockwork Girl, based on Arcana’s successful graphic novel, will have a theatrical release in North America on June 8, 2021. As previously announced, Vertical...
Global film distributor Vertical Entertainment has acquired all U.S. rights for animated feature film The Clockwork Girl from Canadian intellectual property house Arcana Studio....
Acclaimed comedian and actor Fred Willard -- known for his spotlight-stealing turns in Christopher Guest mockumentaries Spinal Tap, Best in Show, A Mighty Wind...
Christine Cavanaugh, an actress who provided voices for such popular animated TV shows as Rugrats, Darkwing Duck, Aladdin, The Powerpuff Girls and Wild Kratts,...
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