TagsEwa Smyk

Tag: Ewa Smyk

Ewa Smyk’s Award-Winning Short ‘Homebird’ Makes Online Premiere

Launching as a Vimeo Staff Pick, Ewa Smyk's laureled graduation film from the National Film and Television School (U.K.) Homebird has made its online...

GLAS 2022: ‘Pests’ Wins Grand Prize

The award winners of the GLAS 2022 online animation festival were announced today, highlighting an inspiring 7th edition of the Berkeley, California-based event. This...

BAFTA Longlists 7 Animated Features, ‘Flee’ Up in Non-English Race

The longlists for the 2022 EE British Academy Film Awards have been announced, revealing the animated features, British animated shorts and VFX spectacles vying...

‘Only a Child’ Wins Top Prize at SPARK ANIMATION

The SPARK Computer Graphics Society (Spark CG) has announced the 2021 SPARK ANIMATION award winners at the SPARK ANIMATION Celebration. The ceremony is available...