HBO Max continues the animation purge begun following the costly Warner Discovery merger, which added a number of current animated series to the chopping...
Studio 100's Flying Bark Productions ( has today announced the appointment of Sarah Harper to Creative Director - 2D. In her new role, she...
Warner Bros. Games today announced that MultiVersus, the all-new free-to-play platform fighter, has now surpassed over 20 million players since the Open Beta started on...
The 24th Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF2022) has announced five selected films for its VR category. While the number of films is reduced from...
Inspired by the classic children’s book, brand new episodes of Go, Dog. Go! will be arriving on Netflix September 19.
The newest residents in the dog...
The Oscar-qualifying HollyShorts Film Festival has wrapped its 18th edition, after 10 days of compelling short film programming at the TCL Chinese 6 Theatres in...
This year, Disney+ Day will deliver even more excitement to subscribers with additional content premiering globally on September 8 as well as celebrations across...
L.A.-based artist and filmmaker Randall Kaplan has released a new trailer for Boxhead, an upcoming animated horror movie which follows the nightmarish experiences of...
Torino, Italy-based VIEW Conference has announced new details about its 23rd edition which takes place Oct. 16-21 this year. According to event organizers, most...
You can find out everything you needed to know about the mega-global blockbuster game and anime franchise Pokémon on the fourth and final chapter of...
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