The 2009 animated short Pigeon: Impossible by Lucas Martell has inspired a new feature-length project, which will be produced by Fox Animation, Blue Sky...
'Ferdinand' Trailer 2
The new spot for Fox/Blue Sky's Dec. 15 release gets us better acquainted with the animal compadres helping the misunderstood bull on...
Gina Rodriguez, the Golden Globe-winning star of hit series Jane the Virgin, has signed on to voice iconic crook Carmen Sandiego in Netflix's upcoming...
VIDEO: ‘DanTDM Created a Big Scene’ Official Trailer
Live action/animation hybrid comedy starring on of YouTube’s most popular gaming personalities launches its first six-episode series...
20th Century Fox has pushed DreamWorks Animations’ prehistoric sequel The Croods 2 back to an unspecified date in 2018. The follow-up film was originally...
Director Carlos Saldanha and Blue Sky Studios take the sequel into unknown, Amazonian territory.
For Carlos Saldanha, the 2011 animated feature film Rio was a...
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