Women in Animation (WIA) is proud to announce the third annual WIA Diversity Awards recipients, presented in partnership with the Spark Computer Graphics Society...
Streaming giant Netflix continues to build steam for its original animation train, confirming a raft of original features and series this week. For a...
Netflix announced the details for two of its upcoming animated projects at Annecy today. The popular streaming and production studio is producing a second...
The first edition of the Quirino Awards for Ibero-American Animation were held Saturday evening in Tenerife, Spain, celebrating the amazing talent and creativity of...
The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards have announced the finalists in nine categories for its inaugural edition, taking place April 6-7 on the Spanish island...
One of the projects selected for the Animation! section at the upcoming Ventana Sur film market in Buenos Aires (Nov. 27-Dec. 1, ventana-sur.com) will...
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