The 2016 Annecy International Animation Film Festival, taking place June 13-18, will on the 17th hold the prize-giving ceremony for the fourth edition of...
A new set of posters released by Disney-Pixar for upcoming sequel Finding Dory (out June 17) issued a spot-the-star challenge via Twitter on Tuesday....
Bandai Unveils Disney-Pixar’s Finding Dory Toy Line
Sequel-inspired playsets, interactive toys, figures, plush, bath toys and more hitting shelves in May.
Star Wars: Behind the Visual...
Pixar intends to release its Universal Scene Description software (USD) as an open-source project by summer, 2016. The toolset addresses the need in the...
Pixar Animation will have its first-ever booth presence at this year’s D23 Expo, taking place at the Anaheim Convention Center August 14-16. Buzz Lightyear...
Disney-Pixar chief creative officer John Lasseter gave an in-depth, two hour presentation on the studios’ upcoming features slate at the Cannes Film Festival Wednesday...
Walt Disney Pictures has announced release dates for Disney and Pixar’s animated films through 2018. Although the studio hasn’t revealed many of the titles, it...
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