Animotion Media Group (U.A.E.) is introducing Detective Finnick, a new 3D-animated TV series, as an exclusive MIPCOM premiere. The show follows up on the...
***This article originally appeared in the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (no. 315)***
Russia’s animation power player Riki Group is widely known around the...
Earwig and the Witch is joining Netflix's exclusive Studio Ghibli slate worldwide (excluding the U.S. & Japan). Since the collection's launch in 2020 (through...
Germany's Sola Media has taken sales rights to Riki Group's animated feature Finnick, which will be introduced to buyers at the upcoming Cannes Marche...
'Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- the Movie: Mugen Train' Wins Japan Academy Prize
The 44th Japan Academy Film Prize voters elected to name ufotable's box-office...
Russian animation powerhouse Riki Group has launched sales for its upcoming animated feature Finnick at the European Film Market, participating as part of the...
Russian animation projects will have a robust presence at the 2021 European Film Market, taking place online this year from March 1-5 (, thanks...
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