Ole, film fans! Fox Animation/Blue Sky Studios’ Oscar nominated animated storybook adaptation Ferdinand makes its entry into the home entertainment ring today, available on...
Fox Animation and Blue Sky Studios (Ferdinand, Ice Age, Rio) have announced their 15th animated movie, working titled Foster, being co-directed by Karen Disher...
‘Wonder Woman’ Director Patty Jenkins to Receive PSIFF Award
Palm Springs Int’l Film Festival will honor the first female recipient of its Creative Impact in...
The nominees for the 75th Annual Golden Globe Awards were announced early Monday morning in a livestream from the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Golden Globe...
The 2009 animated short Pigeon: Impossible by Lucas Martell has inspired a new feature-length project, which will be produced by Fox Animation, Blue Sky...
Disney's Live-Action 'Christopher Robin' Has Cast Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore and More
This return to the fictional world created by A.A. Milne will star Ewan...
The yet-to-be released graphic novel The Witch Boy, the first solo title from illustrator and animation artist Molly Knox Ostertag, has been picked up...
The Little Prince director Mark Osborne and his Bone adaptation writing partner Adam Kline have signed on two new feature projects in development at...
Fox Animation has acquired the rights to Bryce Moore’s children’s novel The Memory Thief for its live-action/animation hybrid features initiative. The story follows a...
Fox Animation is developing a live-action/animation hybrid feature inspired by the Peter, Paul and Mary song "Puff the Magic Dragon," Deadline reports. The project...
Retail’s iconic Goth girl may finally be getting the feature animation treatment after years of quiet shuffling. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the character...
L.A.-based Tonko House and Fox Animation are partnering to develop a feature film based on The Dam Keeper, the 2015 Academy Award-nominated animated short...
Fox Animation continues its kids’ and youth book rights acquisitions run by picking up Margaret Dilloway’s Momotaro: Xander and the Island of Lost Monsters,...
Fox Animation has acquired rights to Kelly Barnhill's widely acclaimed children's fantasy novel The Girl Who Drank the Moon, and has tapped Kubo and...
Fox Animation and Blue Sky Studios will be producing a live-action/animation musical feature based on Garth Nix’s upcoming book, Frogkisser! -- a tongue-in-cheek take...
Fox Animation has picked up rights to award-winning author Ben Hatke’s Zita the Spacegirl graphic novel trilogy, to be produced by Chernin Entertainment (Miss...
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