Family feature films veteran Vanessa Morrison has been named President, Streaming for Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Production, tasked with overseeing development and production...
CROWD FUND: ‘The Aquabats! Super Show!’
Attention citizens, MC Bat Commander and his heroic and musical crew (and Jack Black) are calling upon the crowds...
Brave writer-director Brenda Chapman and Enchanted helmer Kevin Lima have unfurled a new banner as ‘Twas Entertainment and secured a first-look deal with 20th...
This year’s Annecy International Animated Film Festival and MIFA market (June 11-16 & 12-15) will collect some of the brightest lights in the international...
On-demand kids’ entertainment service Toon Goggles has hired on industry veteran Lee Adams as its new Chief Creative Officer. In this new position, Adams...
In a restructuring move, Turner Broadcasting's young adults and kids media group has made new executive appointments to aid a strategy of aligning content,...
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