20th Television Animation has promoted Chris Cikowski to Vice President, Animation, Deadline reports. The new veep's assignments include current Fox series Duncanville and The...
Disney Television Studios has announced a new production unit dedicated to adult-targeted toons, dubbed 20th Television Animation. Longtime 20th/Fox TV executive Marci Proietto is...
We have an exclusive clip from this Sundays’ (April 26) episode of FOX-TV’s popular freshman show Duncanville. The episode, which is called “Judge Annie”...
Fox TV is adopting a new addition to its Animation Domination lineup, giving a series order to Housebroken (formerly titled Therapy Dog), which already...
Jamila Hunter Joins Freeform as SVP, Current Series & Alternative Programming
Reporting to EVP Original Programming & Development Lauren Corrao, Hunter will oversee unscripted and...
Animation Magazine has unveiled its list of this year’s distinguished Animation Hall of Fame Game-Changers award recipients. The honorees will receive their awards at...
The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) presented SCADFILM’s third annual SCAD AnimationFest over the weekend. The festival brought together innovative talent and...
The Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) has announced SCADFILM’s third annual SCAD AnimationFest. The festival will bring together innovative talent and leading...
FOX TV has announced its fall premiere dates for 2019-2020. The season will kick off with the 71st Primetime Emmy Awards, airing live coast-to-coast...
Organizers of the 2019 IdeaToon have selected 10 projects which will advance to the final stage: A live pitch to international network and broadcaster...
ShortsTV, East Los Angeles College and Cinema Without Borders will present Oscar Nominated Shorts Animation Day, the fifth edition of the annual East Los...
The Visual Effects Society (VES) announced its 2019 Board of Directors officers, elected at the January 2019 Board meeting. The officers include Mike Chambers,...
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