Academy Award-nominated French animation studio Xilam Animation is extending its partnership with Youku, the online video and streaming platform of Alibaba Group, for a...
Seven broadcasters across four different countries have boarded the brand new animated series Audrey’s Shelter from French production company Watch Next Media (Boy Girl...
BAFTA-winning and Emmy-nominated children’s TV creators and producers Sixteen South Originals (Northern Ireland) and Mikros Animation IP (France) today hatched the trailer and first episode...
***This article originally appeared in the 35th Anniversary Issue of Animation Magazine (June-July '22, No. 231)***
Cyber Group Studios is one of the most active indie...
Annecy Festival attendees were today treated to a first look at The Spot, a new villain in Sony Pictures Animation's two-part sequel Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse,...
Tag along for a laugh-out-loud African adventure with Akissi: A Funny Little Brother, premiering on Boomerang Africa on Thursday, June 16 at 8:45 CAT.
Toronto-based independent entertainment co. Boat Rocker ( is sending its preschool hit Dino Ranch across the pond, having been lassoed by U.K. free-to-air broadcaster...
DreamWorks Animation and Mainframe Studios' brand-new preschool series Team Zenko Go has officially launched on Netflix, where the gadget-savvy do-gooders are leaping into action...
Oscar-winning producer Karen Toliver (Hair Love), who as a production executive has helped usher some of the most successful and celebrated animated features to...
***This article originally appeared in the February '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 317)***
Discussions of global warming and green issues, social responsibility and social...
Emmy Award-winning French animation production and distribution company Dandelooo is set to adapt the hugely successful children’s book series Gaston’s Emotions to television.
Based on...
Europe's premiere animation project pitch event Cartoon Forum returned to Toulouse last month for three in-person days, with extra time added through the event's...
SMF Studio (Soyuzmultfilm) will premiere a new animated series Coolics, based on the comic book by the Russian publisher Bubble Comics, during MIPCOM. Creative...
***This article originally appeared in the Sept./Oct. '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 313)***
This year's MIPJunior market has moved into the annual MIPCOM and...
***This article originally appeared in the November '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 314)***
The annual content market will be returning to the Palais des...
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