French animated series Mouk will premiere on Spain’s leading children’s channel Clan on April 18. Based on Marc Boutavant’s book Around the World with...
Millimages’ charming preschool series Mouk has landed two new Canadian broadcasters—English-speaking TVO and French-speaking TFO. The deal marks the series’ first sales in North...
Millimages has secured new broadcast deals across Scandinavia for its hit children’s property Mouk, with TV2 Denmark, TV2 Norway, MTV3 Finland and a DVD...
Italian trans-media company Atlantyca Entertainment has been appointed by leading European producer/distributor Millimages as the exclusive licensing agent in Italy for its charming new...
French studio Millimages has landed a broadcast deal for its new children’s property Mouk with Australia’s national broadcast, ABC TV. The 62 x 11-minute...
Euro producer and distributor Millimages is offering a fresh slate of quality animated shows at the MIPCOM market this year. Among the studio’s offerings...
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