The Los Angeles Animation Festival returns this weekend, presenting 10 hours of mostly independent short films from LA, around California, across the U.S. and...
Frederator Studios, part of WOW! Unlimited Media, announced the expansion of their Catbug property, starting with the development of a full spin-off series centered...
‘Sesame Street’ Joins Kanopy Kids
The library-based free-to-the-user video streaming platform has struck a two-year deal with producer Sesame Workshop to feature 24 episodes of...
Wow! Unlimited Media’s Frederator Studios is getting into the pre-Halloween swing with the news that brand-new episodes of its hit animated series Costume Quest...
Animation and kids’ media powerhouse WOW! Unlimited Media, led by Michael Hirsh and Fred Seibert, has entered into a partnership with legendary music producer...
WOW! Unlimited Media has named Mark Taylor as Consulting Executive Producer and head of Studio Partnerships. Most recently, Taylor was the founding Executive Vice...
Frederator Studios had a special Halloween treat for toon fans this week, unmasking the main title sequence for its upcoming Amazon Prime Video Original...
Streaming giant Netflix continues to lead the accelerating charge for original adult animation, with sources telling The Hollywood Reporter that an in-house animation studio...
Ottawa Int’l Animation Festival’s industry-driven sister event TAC (The Animation Conference) celebrates its 15th edition this September 26-28 at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier. Geared...
Netflix continues aggressively pushing forward with its anime slate. The streaming platform made a series of announcements about Aggrestuko, Castleania and new series at...
Átomo Network, the multichannel YouTube animation destination created by Channel Frederator and studio Ánima, has coalesced into the leading Spanish-language digital animation platform, with...
Here is some great news for Bee and Puppycat fans. A new series featuring Natasha Allegri’s popular Frederator Studios characters is in production, in...
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