Disney Junior's Firebuds, an animated comedy-adventure series from Disney Branded Television featuring a team of young first responders and their talking vehicle sidekicks, premieres...
Emmy Award-winning actress Loretta Devine, world-famous drummer Sheila E. and renowned ballet dancer and New York Times bestselling author Misty Copeland have joined the cast...
Disney Junior has ordered the new animated comedy-adventure Firebuds, from Emmy Award-winning creator and executive producer Craig Gerber (Disney's Elena of Avalor and Sofia...
Production is underway on Disney Junior's Eureka!, an animated music-filled series about a talented young inventor living in the fantastical prehistoric world of Rocky...
Lakeshore Records to Release ‘The Dragon Prince Series 1 & 2’ OSTs
Both season soundtracks to Wonderstorm’s hit Netflix original animated series, featuring original music...
A Woman’s Place: Animation and Illustration
Brit.co continues its series devoted to spotlighting women in male-dominated industries by turning an eye on our favorite art...
On Saturday night, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences presented the 43rd Annual Daytime Creative Arts Emmy Awards at a gala ceremony...
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