Space Dandy, the hilarious new anime series from the creative team behind Cowboy Bebop, is well underway for its English-language version and will premiere...
A pair of visual-effects-heavy battle movies from completely different ends of the spectrum take on Mark Wahlberg's Contraband and the 3D release of Beauty...
AM2, the multi-day convention for Asian music, anime and manga friends held in Anaheim, Calif. (June 15-17), has announced it will screen the Fullmetal...
Eleven Arts and FUNimation Entertainment are bringing the feature film sequel to the popular Fullmetal Alchemist anime franchise, Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of...
Eleven Arts and FUNimation will release the popular anime feature Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos in over 100 screens over North American...
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