Over five years in the making, Chinese animated feature The Legend of Hei is a heart-warming fantasy adventure, bolstered by beautiful animation and enchanting...
For the fourth consecutive year, the celebrated feature animation production and distribution forum Cartoon Movie will shine a spotlight on a particular geographic corner...
The 21st Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF2019) held its award ceremony Tuesday night. The winners of South Korea’s premiere toon competition included some of...
Thirty-two films from around the world have been submitted for consideration in the Animated Feature Film category for the 92nd Academy Awards. The submitted...
Creative Director Aneta Ozorek and the Kaboom Animation Festival team have revealed the official selections for the inaugural Dutch combo event. The first competition...
After months of preparation, KLIK Amsterdam Animation Festival and Holland Animation Film Festival in Utrecht are ready to reveal the new name of their...
***This article originally appeared in the May ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 290)***
Ever since director Denis Do’s Funan won the top prize at...
The 21st Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF), has issued its official poster, created by Denis Do, the director of BIAF 2018 Jury Prize-winning feature...
The award-winning French animated feature Funan will arrive in select U.S. theaters this summer through GKIDS, which is planning New York City and Los...
The Annecy International Animated Film Festival has revealed the eminent jury members who will assess works for the 2019 edition, taking place June 10-15....
The Cartoon Movie animated features pitching and co-pro event has announced the finalists for Cartoon Tributes 2019. The awards honor outstanding contribution to the...
GKIDS has snagged U.S. distribution rights for international festival-favorite feature Funan, the inspiring and deeply emotional debut from filmmaker Denis Do and based on...
The international animated feature film co-production forum Cartoon Movie will hold its 21st edition March 5-7, returning to Bordeaux in France’s Nouvelle-Aquitaine region for...
Organizers of the Academy Award-qualifying Bucheon International Animation Festival in South Korea have announced that the official poster and trailer for the 21st edition...
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