Peacock’s smash hit original series TED has been renewed for a second season. Following its January 11 launch, Season 1 of Seth MacFarlane's prequel series...
The animated reboot of the late Norman Lear's classic TV sitcom Good Times is trucking along. Ranada Shepard (Lizzie McGuire, Family Affair) has been announced as...
Fuzzy Door Tech, a division of Seth MacFarlane’s (Family Guy, The Orville, Ted) production company Fuzzy Door, today launched the ViewScreen family of products...
Following the recently released teaser, Peacock today unleashed the Bostonian-accented adult comedy beast with the official trailer for Ted -- a new live-action series starring...
Fuzzy Door, the production company run by Seth MacFarlane (creator, Family Guy, American Dad!) and President Erica Huggins, has hired former Siri CMO Faith...
Peacock announced today the main casting for Ted, the highly-anticipated live-action comedy series based on the blockbuster film franchise, with Seth MacFarlane (The Orville,...
Seth MacFarlane and the producers of Family Guy have created an original three-minute comedic short designed to educate, entertain and encourage the millions of...
Peacock has announced a straight-to-series order for Ted, from UCP, a division of Universal Studio Group, and MRC Television. The live-action series, based on...
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