Xilam Animation’s multi-award winning feature I Lost My Body, directed by Jérémy Clapin, celebrated an impressive triumph for animation with a double win at...
Berkeley, Calif.-based GLAS Animation Festival has announced its first round of industry luminaries, which include Mike Judge (Beavis and Butt-Head, King of the Hill)...
GLAS Animation continues its mission to showcase the newest groundbreaking independent animation, with the announcement of a new theatrical venture: ANIMATION NEXT. The program...
World Panorama is a diverse non-competitive program that will present 28 films from 24 countries at this year's edition of World Festival of Animated...
The 2019 GLAS Animation Festival has announced its official selections for the next edition, taking place March 21-24 in Berkeley, California. The fest received...
Organizers of Asia’s premiere toon celebration, the Bucheon International Animation Festival in South Korea, have revealed the films screening in its national and international...
The organizers for the 2016 GLAS Animation Festival -- taking place March 3-6 in Berkeley, California -- have completed the official selection film list....
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