Nickelodeon, Paramount+ and The Pinkfong Company today released the official trailer and key art for Baby Shark's Big Movie, the first-ever feature-length original animated movie...
Nickelodeon, Paramount+ and The Pinkfong Company today announced the celebrity voice cast for Baby Shark's Big Movie! and revealed new teaser art for the preschool...
Paramount+ today announced Baby Shark's Big Movie! (working title), the first-ever feature-length original animated film based on the globally beloved preschool property, is set...
Nickelodeon's fin-credible world of Baby Shark is getting bigger with the development of a brand-new original animated movie and season two pickup of its...
2013’s crop of up-and-coming animators proves there’s still room for originality and inventiveness in the toon landscape.
Graham Annable
Graham Annable
Co-director, The BoxTrolls (LAIKA)
When Graham Annable...
Nickelodeon has officially picked up a third season of its hit animated series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The announcement was made at the cabler’s...
Kids cabler Nickelodeon has renewed and expanded its animated shorts program which was created to find original comedy-driven content for kids. This year’s initiative will...
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