Disney Branded Television today announced ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series, an expansion of the live-action ZOMBIES movie franchise, featuring the same characters. The musical comedy-adventure...
Intercats, an animated sitcom set in a cat workplace, is in development at Disney Branded Television with multiple Emmy Award-winning Baobab Studios and acclaimed...
Ayo Davis has been named President of Disney Branded Television today by Peter Rice, Chairman Disney General Entertainment (DGE), to whom she will report....
During the Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour today, Disney Branded Television unveiled its fall and winter premiere dates for new original movies and...
Theresa Helmer has been promoted to Disney Channel's senior leadership team as executive director, Integrated Content Strategy and Development -- a newly created role...
D23 Expo got the weekend off to a strong start on Friday with the first-ever showcase presentation for upcoming streaming service Disney+, during which...
Russie Taylor, an award-winning voice actress who was the official voice of Minnie Mouse for over three decades, died July 26 in Glendale, California....
YouTube Disables Comments on Tens of Millions of Videos Featuring Kids in Effort to Prevent Adpocalypse 2.0
The video platform has been in damage control...
In recognition of her enormous success building Disney Junior into a powerhouse kids & families entertainment platform, Nancy Kanter has been promoted to the...
Disney Channels Worldwide has hired on permanently John Rood as Senior Vice President of Marketing. Rood, who had been consulting with the division for...
Following up Disney Television Animation's most successful year ever, the company has made several key executive appointments to help further the content development pipelines...
In recognition of Disney Junior's growing success, 12-year Mouse House veteran Nancy Kanter has been promoted to Executive Vice President, Original Programming and General...
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