In the wake of a wave of successful festival screenings around the world and buoyed by positive critical reviews, indie animator Gints Zilbalodis' (Away)...
The European Film Academy has revealed the nominees for European Animated Feature Film this year. As previously announced, the Academy in its aims to...
Gintz Zilbalodis animated feature Flow and Gianluigi Toccafondo’s short La Voix des Sirènes (The Sirens’ Voice) were honored with the top prizes at this year’s...
Five years ago, Latvian animator and director Gints Zilbalodis dazzled the world with his first animated feature project, Away, a beautiful work that he...
Having just been announced as Latvia's entry for the Best International Feature at the Academy Awards this year, Sideshow and Janus Films have announced...
The Latvian Selection Committee, a commission of film industry experts established by the National Film Center, has announced that Gints Zilbalodis’ Flow is the...
The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) today announced the seven animated films selected for this year’s official Features Competition. The selection includes both emerging and established...
Fresh off its three-award sweep at Annecy Festival, following its world premiere in the Cannes Film Festival's Un Certain Regard section, indie animated feature Flow...
The massively popular 2024 edition of the Annecy Intl Festival of Animation came to its exciting conclusion on Saturday with the announcement of the...
The Annecy International Animation Film Festival's nine Special Prizes were presented today (Friday, June 14) at a ceremony held at the Bonlieu. The official...
Leading into its Cannes Film Festival premiere as an official selection in the Un Certain Regard section — dedicated to artistically and narratively bolder...
Organizers of the 2024 Annecy International Animated Film Festival presented their customary Paris press conference today, during which Artistic Director Marcel Jean some of...
Organizers of the 77th Festival de Cannes have announced several additions to the lineup, including animated features The Most Precious of Cargoes (La Plus Précieuse...
Having made waves across the global animation scene with his solo animated feature Away, created when he was just 24, Latvian filmmaker Gints Zilbalodis...
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