After a two-year COVID hiatus, the Animation Show of Shows returns to theaters and campuses across North America this fall. This 22nd edition comprises...
Norway's 2022 Fredrikstad Animation Festival came to a conclusion this weekend, celebrating the year's best in Nordic-Baltic animation at the FAF Award Ceremony held...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 395 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
The Academy of Motion Pictures presented the 93rd Oscars Sunday evening, broadcast on ABC and live streamed to multiple platforms from L.A.'s Union Station...
Writer Loses 'Muppet Babies' Lawsuit Because of Old Bankruptcy
A California federal judge dismissed a lawsuit filed by TV scribe Jeffrey Scott last October due...
ShortsTV, the first and only global channel and network dedicated to short films, announced today the 16th annual Oscar Nominated Short Films theatrical releases....
The 20th edition of Norway's Fredrikstad Animation Festival wrapped up its first hybrid event on Sunday, which this year added a digital extension reaching...
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