Walt Disney Animation Studios' Encanto has been awarded the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture, Animated, as the year's most acclaimed toons advance one more...
WarnerMedia Kids & Family has greenlit Silly Sundays from Cartoon Saloon for its new Cartoonito preschool block on HBO Max and Cartoon Network. Created...
The Visual Effects Society (VES), the industry's global professional honorary society, announced today its newest Honorary Members, VES Fellows and inductees into the VES...
Gloria Ponce and Sowon Sawyer have joined the WarnerMedia Kids & Family creative and programming team. Ponce, who joined the company earlier this year,...
Manchester Animation Festival (MAF), the U.K.'s largest animation festival, has today revealed its program for 2021. Returning for its seventh year as a hybrid...
Ayo Davis has been named President of Disney Branded Television today by Peter Rice, Chairman Disney General Entertainment (DGE), to whom she will report....
LAIKA has revealed its next animated feature film is Wildwood, based on the bestselling novel written by The Decemberists lead singer & songwriter Colin...
Netflix and Legendary Television announce Hayley Atwell (Captain America, Mission Impossible 7) as the voice of videogame adventurer Lara Croft in the upcoming anime...
During the Television Critics Association’s Summer Press Tour on Friday, Hulu presented the company’s lineup of upcoming original programming, including the second season of...
Switzerland's 74th Locarno Film Festival has announced that Japanese animation filmmaker Mamoru Hosoda (Mirai) will be honored with the first-ever Locarno Kids Award, celebrating...
Animation Is Film (AIF) and its partner, the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, announced the fourth edition of the U.S.-based festival is set for...
GKIDS has acquired all North American distribution rights for Oscar-nominated filmmaker Mamoru Hosoda's highly anticipated new animated feature, Belle, from Japan's Studio Chizu —...
Television and feature film screenwriter and producer Rob Edwards has written the script and is making his directorial debut with indie animated feature Sneaks....
Oscar-winning writer-director Bong Joon Ho (Parasite) is expanding on his work with computer crafted characters in international hit movies The Host and Okja with...
Columbia Pictures has acquired the rights to develop Geoff Rodkey's middle-grade comedy sci-fi novel We're Not from Here as a hybrid live-action/animated feature film....
Universal Pictures and DreamWorks Animation today announced that the studios have entered into production agreements with Dean DeBlois, the Academy Award-nominated and Golden Globe-winning...
WATCH: The Groundbreaking Puppets of ‘Missing Link’
To celebrate the film’s Golden Globe nomination, LAIKA has unveiled a new behind-the-scenes video highlighting their most advanced...
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