Gore Verbinski, director of the Oscar- and BAFTA-winning animated feature Rango (2011), will reportedly be searching for a new home planet for his second animation...
Cornelia Funke's magical fantasy novel Igraine The Brave is coming to theaters! Oscar-winner Volker Engel, Gesa Engel and Lucia Scharbatke of Uncharted Territory are...
The HFPA presented the 77th Golden Globe award ceremony on Sunday night, kicking the Hollywood awards season into high gear. Ricky Gervais returned to...
Sony Pictures Animation's superhero shake-up Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was named the winner of the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Animated at...
Universal and Illumination Entertainment's 3-D CG sequel Despicable Me 2 won't need a freeze ray to stun box office watchers after Tuesday night. The...
After several months of collecting critics’ and guild trophies, Paramount’s underdog feature Rango took home the Best Animated Feature Oscar during a star-studded ceremony...
In what may be a bellwether for Oscar night, Paramount/Nickelodeon’s quirky CG-animated feature Rango won the prize for Best Picture at the Annie Awards...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts has nominated three features for its Best Animated Film Category.
Announced Tuesday by actors Daniel Radcliffe and Holliday...
The Producers Guild of America (PGA) has announced the five titles nominated in the Best Animated Feature Award category. In what many awards watchers...
Director Gore Verbinski and ILM vfx supervisor Hal Hickel discuss the making of Rango, a highly original, visually arresting animated feature about a chameleon...
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