Isao Takahata's heart wrenching Grave of the Fireflies (1988) is the latest Studio Ghibli animated masterpiece to join Netflix's international library, The animated war...
Nizô Yamamoto, an acclaimed animation art director and background artist whose warmly realistic work can be seen in many iconic Studio Ghibli films, died...
Japan's iconic animation house Studio Ghibli appears to be teaming up with powerhouse American studio Lucasfilm (part of the Disney family), as hinted at...
The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures will continue its eclectic calendar of film screenings and public programs this winter with a series of retrospectives,...
WATCH: Ricky Gervais Guest Stars in ‘Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?’
The popular British comedian appears in the latest episode of the new Mystery Inc. adventures....
***This review originally appeared in the April ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 289)***
Based on a popular series of children’s books written by Hiroko...
’Incredibles 2’ Passes $1 Billion Worldwide
It's official, the Pixar super family’s heroic return to theaters in Brad Bird’s sequel has hit the big one-bee,...
Three Animated Projects from the CEE Region Received Support from Creative Europe MEDIA
Among 10 total projects from seven different countries, the regional industry’s growth...
Houston-based Anime Network, a leading independent Japanese anime and pop culture entertainment programmer, has launched its premium SVOD service on Xfinity On Demand, available...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is extending invitations to join the organization to 322 artists and executives who have distinguished themselves...
Two noteworthy animated projects have been announced as part of the Cannes Film Festival's Directors' Fortnight (May 15-25) programming section: Isao Takahata's highly anticipated...
North American theater-goers will have a chance to see Studio Ghibli co-founder Isao Takahata's (Grave of the Fireflies) first new feature in 14 years...