Warner Animation Group’s upcoming Scooby-Doo animated feature, Scoob, has added Mark Wahlberg and Jason Isaacs to the star-powered voice cast, according to The Hollywood...
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment and DC Entertainment are toasting a decade of superheroic animation with the DC Universe Original Movies: 10th Anniversary Collection --...
Warner Bros. delivers a striking new animated feature focusing on Bruce Wayne’s first year as Batman.
Many comic-book readers agree that one of the medium’s...
Green Lantern is getting animated just ahead of his big-screen live-action debut, with the release on home video of a new animated feature film.
Henry Rollins, Voice of Kilowog in DC’s Animated Feature Green Lantern: Emerald Knights
Singer/actor/spoken-word artist Henry Rollins talks about voicing Kilowog, the hardcore trainer of...
The animated feature Green Lantern: Emerald Knights will premiere April 1 at WonderCon as part of a comprehensive slate of programming designed to promote...
Warner Bros. has released a new trailer for Green Lantern: Emerald Knights, the studio's next DC Universe original animated feature.
Take a look:
The movie is...
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