Adult Swim today revealed the official trailer and premiere date for its upcoming animated series Common Side Effects, dropping this winter. From Joe Bennett (Scavengers Reign)...
Adult Swim returns to New York Comic Con with can’t-miss panels featuring appearances from Rick and Morty executive producer Dan Harmon and Lazarus creator...
Netflix today debuted the official trailer for Exploding Kittens— the new adult animated comedy series based on the best-selling card game from The Oatmeal. The...
Comedian, voice actor, writer and producer Johnny Hardwick -- best known for playing the lovable crackpot Dale Gribble on King of the Hill (1997-2010) -- was...
In this week's episodes of Freeform's adult animated comedy Praise Petey, our hapless cult-inheriting heroine continues her quest to break the obedient, human sacrifice-y mold...
What happens when a thriving Manhattanite inherits leadership of a less than normal, sacrifice-happy small town? Find out in Praise Petey, the new animated adult...
NBCUniversal's streaming service Peacock ( today announced additional voiceover cast for its upcoming, first-ever adult animated comedy series In the Know, announced in September. The...
Peacock announced today the straight-to-series order of the streamer’s first adult animated comedy, In the Know. Mike Judge (Beavis and Butt-Head, Silicon Valley, King of...
HBO Max and Cartoon Network announced today during the Warner Bros. Discovery Upfronts that Sacha Baron Cohen (Academy Award-nominated Borat and Who Is America?) has teamed up with Greg...
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