The BFI (British Film Institute) today announces details of Stop Motion: Celebrating Hand-Crafted Animation on the Big Screen, supported by Headline Partner LAIKA, a major new...
The animation community is reeling from the news of the passing of Oscar-winning director Mark Gustafson of a heart attack on Thursday. The much-loved...
The Portland Art Museum has announced that Academy Award-winning director Guillermo del Toro will take part in a public conversation at the Museum on...
The 30th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (ITFS | has unveiled the feature films from around the world that will be screening...
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presented the 95th Academy Awards ( on Sunday, March 12, broadcasting live from the Dolby Theatre in...
The 6th Hollywood Critics Association (HCA) creative arts and film awards were held Friday evening (Feb. 24), awarding the Best Picture prize to Everything...
VIEW Conference will present a free virtual panel with the directors and producers behind this year's Academy Award nominees for Best Animated Feature. Scheduled...
While his Netflix original movie Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio continues to power through awards season, Oscar-winning filmmaker Guillermo del Toro has revealed that he will return...
Following this morning's announcement of the nominees for the 95th Academy Awards, the filmmakers behind this year's Oscar-nominated animated features and shorts are sharing...
This morning, the nominations for the 95th Academy Awards were announced at 5:30 in 24 categories. Here are this year’s animation and vfx-related nominees:
Building on its category breakthroughs in the Academy Awards shortlists, Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (Netflix) picked up two nominations for the Society of Composers and...
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