Warner Bros. Animation (WBA), Cartoon Network Studios (CNS), and Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe (HBSE) announced three series greenlights and previewed a slate of projects currently...
Warner Bros. Animation (WBA), Cartoon Network Studios (CNS) and Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe (HBSE) will return to the Annecy International Animation Film Festival with a...
Highly respected veteran animation executive Ed Adams will retire from his current role as Executive Vice President & General Manager, Warner Bros. Animation (WBA),...
A riotous Annecy Festival crowd of animation fans got to discover sneak peeks and whimsical content earlier today, as Warner Bros Animation, Cartoon Network...
BAFTA announced Sunday the winners of this year's BAFTA Children & Young People Awards. Hosted by TV and radio presenter Lindsey Russell, the awards...
HBO Max continues the animation purge begun following the costly Warner Discovery merger, which added a number of current animated series to the chopping...
Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe (HBSE) has begun development work to reboot the fan-favorite, award-winning animated series The Powerpuff Girls and Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends....
The winners of the biennial British Animation Awards 2022 (britishanimationawards.com) were announced at a ceremony held tonight at London’s BFI Southbank, presented by comedian...
The finalists were announced today for the prestigious British Animation Awards 2022. Rewarding the very best in British animation across a variety of categories,...
Vanessa Brookman, Head of Kids, EMEA for WarnerMedia, today announced her new leadership team for Cartoon Network, Boomerang, Boing, Cartoonito and associated digital properties...
WarnerMedia is revitalizing one of the most storied names in animation history, establishing Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe (previously Cartoon Network Studios Europe, operating from Great...
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