L.A. based innovative content studio Battle Island announced today that Rosario Dawson (The Mandalorian) and Tony Revolori (The Grand Budapest Hotel) will co-star in...
The 2022 EE British Academy Film Awards were held Sunday night, presented by the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA).
While The Mitchells...
Walt Disney Animation Studios' Encanto has been awarded the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture, Animated, as the year's most acclaimed toons advance one more...
Jon Favreau’s hotly anticipated photoreal recreation of Disney’s The Lion King is ready to roar in theaters nationwide on July 19. Early reviews are...
Paramount Animation president Mireille Soria told The Hollywood Reporter that the studio is working on a new animated movie featuring all five members of...
Eleven celebrated filmmakers, performers and entertainment innovators will be honored as Disney Legends during the D23 Expo 2019. Hosted by Disney Chairman and CEO...
***This article originally appeared in the December ‘18 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 285)***
Those seeking relief from the loud, predictable world of some of...
Organizers of the 2018 VIEW Conference (Turin, Italy; Oct. 22-26) have announced that Industrial Light & Magic’s Senior Visual Effects Supervisor and Creative Director...
The 2018 VIEW Conference has announced that Oscar, Grammy, Golden Globe and Tony Award-winning musician/composer/producer Hans Zimmer will be delivering a keynote address at...
Take a listen to the 20th anniversary of DreamWorks Animation with a special concert event set for July 18-19 at the world-famous Hollywood Bowl.
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