TeamTO announced new partnerships for their action-comedy animated series Jade Armor (26 x 22') with the Australian Broadcasting Company (ABC), the leading platform for kids...
Award-winning Malaysia-based Animasia Studio (Chuck Chicken, Harry & Bunnie, Bola Kampung) has formed a partnership with Zoland Animation in China to co-produce the new...
Malaysian animation studio has announced several new global sales for its animated properties Harry & Bunnie, Chuck Chicken, Supa Strikas and Bola Kampung. The...
Malaysia's Animasia Studio (Chuck Chicken, Harry & Bunnie) and Pilla-Scheetz Productions in the US announce a co-production agreement to develop the 2D animation concept...
Kuala Lumpur-based Animasia Studio’s original animated series Harry & Bunnie arrives on Disney Channel in Southeast Asia on May 20, with new episodes to...
ANIMASIA STUDIO, a 2D animation studio provides one-stop solution to your production needs of creative digital contents. Our group focus in Creative Content Development...
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