A new CG-animated, uplifting TV special featuring an all-star British voice cast is underway! Lending their talents to Master Moley (currently in production) are...
Mobile entertainment company Jam City has entered a multi-year mobile game development partnership with Disney, which will include Jam City taking over the popular...
Warner Animation Group is looking to add key talent to its hybrid and animated projects, with Variety learning that negotiations with director Tim Story...
Artist Suzanne Jandu has joined Framestore’s London location as Head of 2D, where she will lead teams across the Advertising, Television and Immersive divisions....
Fantawild Animation opened its Fantawild Animation Expo 2018 on September 25, with a grand ceremony at the Fantawild Resort in Zhengzhou, China. During the...
Kaleidoscope Film Distribution has secured pre-sales in several territories for the family animated feature Stardog and Turbocat, now in production at Sheffield, UK studio...
VFX post-production vet Meg Guidon has joined London-based nineteentwenty to lead the company’s new longform visual effects department. Guidon will apply her two decades...
Santa Monica-based creative visual effects studio JAMM has hired on animation veteran and longtime collaborator Steward Burris as Animation Supervisor. Burris has been working...
The critically acclaimed hybrid family flick Paddington 2 will soon be available to home audiences, with Warner Bros. Home Entertainment set to release the...
CALL FOR ENTRIES: 2018 Hiroshima International Animation Festival
The biennial, Oscar-qualifying Japanese fest is now accepting entries for the 17th edition (August 23-27). Submit your...
Deadline reports that StudioCanal’s charming family sequel Paddington 2 has been snatched up for US distribution by Warner Bros., following a scramble to find...
StudioCanal's live-action/CG-animated feature Paddington 2 enjoyed a great opening box office in the U.K, beating heavy-hitters such as Murder on the Orient Express and...
Korean studio Hong Dang Moo's animated series Magic Adventures: The Crystal of Dark and Italy's Rainbow Media's 44 Cats were the top most-screened shows...
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