The Animation Showcase has announced a special limited release of the festival-favorite animated feature Memoir of a Snail during the holiday season. The platform...
Adam Elliot’s acclaimed stop-motion feature Memoir of a Snail was awarded the top prize at BFI's prestigious London Film Festival on Sunday. The film,...
IFC Films has snagged North American rights to feature-length stop-motion drama Memoir of a Snail, from Oscar-winning Australian writer-director Adam Elliot (Harvie Krumpet, Mary &...
VIDEO: GLAS Animation Festival 2017 Signal Film
Director Albert Omoss and electronica duo Pal&Drome create a monochromatic digital metamorphosis for the fest, which will highlight...
The Bradford Animation Festival — the United Kingdom's longest-running animation festival — and its sister event, BAF Game 2013, announced their full programs, featuring...
The organizers of U.K.'s Bradford Animation Festival have announced that acclaimed Australian stop-motion animation director Adam Elliot, creator of Oscar-winning short Harvie Krumpet and...
Adam Elliot, the acclaimed director of the 2010 stop-motion animated feature Mary and Max and the Oscar-winning 2003 short Harvie Krumpet will be receiving...
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