The latest animated feature from acclaimed director Mamoru Hosoda, Wolf Children (Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki) has been awarded the Best Animation award...
Most animation aficionados have a soft spot for Studio Ghibli founder and animation master Hayao Miyazaki’s works—some would even be hard pressed to pick...
Goro Miyazaki’s delicate, coming-of-age movie From Up on Poppy Hill offers a welcome respite from the loud, CG world of most American movies.
Goro Miyazaki’s...
Japan’s much-esteemed Studio Ghibli has announced plans to release two movies in the summer of 2013. Kaze Tachinu and Kaguya-Hime no Monogatari are the...
Fans of the acclaimed feature Grave of the Fireflies have one more reason to be grateful this Thanksgiving! New York-based powerhouse distributor GKIDS announced...
How Junkyard’s director Hisko Hulsing created one of the most powerful and acclaimed animated shorts of the year.
While it’s customary for big studios to...
GKIDS, distributor of the latest award-winning feature effort from Japan's Studio Ghibli From Up On Poppy Hill has announced the film has been nominated...
Indie distributor GKIDS has announced its English language voice cast picks for the North American release of Studio Ghibli’s From Up on Poppy Hill,...
A couple of tweets by Japanese animators Osamu Kobayashi (Paradise Kiss) and Takashi Hashimoto (Samurai Horror Tales) have revealed some information about Hayao Miyazaki’s...
The Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Film has announced a new spin-off event called Animated BAFICI – Winter Collection. The three day toon...
New York-based indie distributor GKIDS announced today that it has picked up Studio Ghibli’s award-winning 2011 movie From Up on Poppy Hill. Although the...
An artistic mouse and a musically talented bear form a special bond in the charming new French animated feature Ernest and Celestine.
Mentioning Didier Brunner’s...
The endless font of Japanese animated goodness spews forth on DVD shelves this week! The can’t-pass-up offering today is Disney’s North American version of...
Walt Disney Studios will be releasing three hit traditionally animated features from Japanese toon house Studio Ghibli on Blu-ray May 22—The Secret World of...
Edgar Rice Burroughs' Warlord of Mars was no match for Dr. Seuss.
In a disappointing debut, Disney's John Carter — adapting Burroughs' seminal, century-old science-fiction...
Studio Ghibli’s hit From Up on Poppy Hill won Japan’s prestigious Academy Award for Best Animated Feature last Friday. Directed by Hayao Miyazaki’s son,...
How Disney brought Studio Ghibli’s take on The Borrowers to U.S. audiences.
For over two decades, the enchanting traditionally animated features of Hayao Miyazaki and...
Animation distributor GKIDS is showcasing a 20-year retrospective of the films from acclaimed Japanese toon house Studio Ghibli in Los Angeles this month. Presented...
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