Banijay Rights, the global distribution arm of Banijay Entertainment, announced the launch of a dedicated Mr. Bean: The Animated Series FAST (Free Ad-Supported Television)...
Tiger Aspect Kids & Family (a Banijay Kids & Family company) today announces its 2D-animated comedy Mr. Bean: The Animated Series, has been commissioned...
The big adventures before the big adventures unfold in the new original animated movie Craig Before the Creek, based on the hit Cartoon Network series Craig...
Just in time for Halloween, the musical stop-motion Ambriz Borthers series Frankelda's Book of Spooks has made its English-language debut on streaming platform Max....
Warner Bros. Animation today issued a letter of acceptance to prospective loonies, complete with an informative video introduction to Tiny Toons Looniversity! Premiering this fall...
The heroic voice cast of Creature Commandos, the first animated series project announced for DC Universe Chapter 1: Gods & Monsters, was revealed today. The...
The just-unveiled Max streamer and Cartoon Network have greenlit a new animated rendition of Peter & the Wolf, featuring music and narration by Gavin...
Money ... Power ... Family ... Crackers!
The newest Adult Swim animated comedy has all this and more, as the first episode of Royal Crackers offers an...
The streaming wars are getting quite serious now! HBO Max’s parent company Warner Bros. Discovery has filed a lawsuit against Paramount Global accusing it...
Warner Bros. Discovery announced today that the HBO Max x Warner Bros. Discovery Access Animated Shorts Program will showcase the final short films collection...
A Bakersfield family’s once-successful cracker company is up for grabs in Adult Swim’s newest animated comedy, Royal Crackers. Created by and starring Jason Ruiz...
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