Montreal-based television and film production company Écho Média has announced two new animated co-production projects, Heart of Darkness and The City of Maria, in...
The Annecy Festival work-in-progress (WIP) sessions continue to show off a wealth of projects in early or mid-production. Tucked away in the cozier and...
***This article originally appeared in the November ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 293)***
Forty years ago, Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now transferred Joseph Conrad’s...
GKIDS is bringing adult-targeted animated feature Another Day of Life to North America -- the wartime story is slated for release sometime this year....
France’s premiere animation event continues its alliance with the nation’s most prestigious film market for a third consecutive year, with the Annecy Goes to...
Cartoon Movie 2016 -- taking place March 2-4 in Lyon, France -- is planning to see over 700 animated feature producers, investors, distributors, sales...
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