An unthinkable tragedy propels Superman into a dangerous new mindset, ultimately pitting Justice League members against each other in Injustice, the all-new DC Animated...
Netflix has ordered animated action series Blue Eye Samurai from Michael Green and Amber Noizumi, setting an impressive voice cast including Maya Erskine, George...
Animation Magazine has unveiled its list of this year’s distinguished Animation Hall of Fame Game-Changers award recipients. The honorees will receive their awards at...
Organizers of Asia’s premiere toon celebration, the Bucheon International Animation Festival in South Korea, have revealed the films screening in its national and international...
DreamWorks Animation Television has released the trailer for its new Netflix original series Spirit Riding Free, which makes its streaming debut on May 5....
Warner Bros. Pictures has acquired the live-action feature film rights to Viz Media’s hit manga and anime property Bleach.
Peter Segal (Get Smart, The Longest...
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