The lushly animated fantasy The Deer King marks the feature directorial debut of Masashi Ando (co-director with Masayuki Miyaji), one of the most respected...
***This article originally appeared in the December '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 315)***
Treacherous and historic alpinism has fascinated both documentary filmmakers and fiction...
A very light week for animated home video releases is nonetheless brightened considerably by the release of Hiroyuki Okiura's A Letter to Momo (Cinedigm...
Production I.G's strange and touching supernatural coming-of-age story A Letter to Momo will finally see a U.S. theatrical release, thanks to GKIDS. The film...
Indie New York-based distributor GKIDS and Cinedigm have launched a new multi-platform animation label. GKIDS will continue to distribute the films theatrically while Cinedigm...
GKIDS’ New York Intl. Children’s Film Festival will pay a visit to the American Cinematheque’s Aero Theatre in Los Angeles, April 26-May 5.
The latest animated feature from acclaimed director Mamoru Hosoda, Wolf Children (Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki) has been awarded the Best Animation award...
International animated fare distributor GKids will be releasing Hiroyuki Okiura’s (Jin Roh) highly anticipated A Letter to Momo in U.S. theaters at the end...
The six-day Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film has unveiled its programming for this year. The event, which takes place May 8-13, in conjunction with...
The New York International Children’s Film Festival has announced the winners of the 2012 fest, with Hiroyuki Okiura’s animated A Letter to Momo nabbing...
Kodakawa Pictures will be releasing director Hiroyuki Okiura’s (Jin-Roh) latest animated effort, A Letter to Momo, on 300 screens during Japan’s Golden Week holiday...
The Toronto International Film Festival (running September 8 – 18) has announced the line up for this year’s TIFF Kids program (formerly the Sprockets...
Kadokawa Pictures has made available the first trailer for A Letter to Momo (Momo no e Tegami)—the latest feature animation project from Production I.G...