It’s unusual for an animated movie to make its debut at Park City, Utah’s celebrated Sundance Festival. However, veteran animation director Chris Jenkin’s latest...
In director John Henry Hinkel’s poignant new animated short Morning Joy, a recently widowed pianist learns to find happiness again after a friendly songbird...
Noir Caesar Entertainment, the indie creative company dedicated to supporting artists from marginalized communities founded by former NBA player and pop culture entrepreneur Johnny...
To mark the one-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine, Academy Award-winning animation studio Aardman and international children’s charity Save the Children have released...
Manchester Animation Festival (MAF), the U.K.’s largest animation festival, has revealed its program for 2022. Returning for its eighth year, the festival will offer...
Manchester Animation Festival (MAF), the U.K.'s largest animation festival, has today revealed its program for 2021. Returning for its seventh year as a hybrid...
Universal Filmed Entertainment Group (UFEG) today announced the writers selected to participate in the newly launched 2021 Universal Animation Writers Program, a first-of-its-kind animation...
On the heels of recent deals with Peacock, Amazon's Prime Video & IMDb TV, Universal Filmed Entertainment Group announces a multiyear deal with Netflix...
Mindshow, the Los Angeles-based CG animation production company built on proprietary software, has raised millions in funding and announced Sharon Bordas as its new...
GFM Animation today announced that Montreal-based L’Atelier Animation has boarded its animated family comedy 10 Lives, and that Chris Jenkins has joined the production...
***This article originally appeared in the April '20 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 299)***
The eccentric family at the center of Lois Lowry’s 2008 book...
Former Covert Media CEO, Annapurna Productions COO and QED co-founder Paul Hanson has partnered with Elan Freedman of Surge Licensing, development executive Ian McGloin...
An all-new holiday special based on DreamWorks Animation's hugely popular film trilogy, How to Train Your Dragon: Homecoming will premiere on NBC on December...
BAFTA and multi-award winning animation and visual effects studio Jellyfish Pictures announced the appointment of Joachim de Brunier to Head of Modelling. Continuing Jellyfish...
Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid and the rest of the DreamWorks’ How to Train Your Dragon movies are getting their own half-hour animated holiday special. How...
Prepare to be swept away to incredible hidden corners of the world in DreamWorks Animation and Pearl Studio’s new CG animated family adventure, Abominable....
Jim Gallagher has joined Warner Bros. Pictures, taking on the newly-created role of Executive Vice President of Marketing, Animation & Family. Gallagher, formerly head...
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