Nicktoons will debut Wild Grinders, the new animated series from skateboarding icon Rob Dyrdek (MTV’s Rob & Big, Fantasy Factory) on Friday, April 27...
The international animated co-production Teenage Fairytale Dropouts has found a home in Australia, where it's been picked up by the Seven Network.
The 52 x...
The skateboarding star gets the animation treatment in the new high-energy comedy Wild Grinders.
The fact that skateboarder-turned-TV star Rob Dyrdek has embarked on a...
Anima Estudios (Mexico), SLR Productions (Australia) Home Plate Entertainment (U.S.) and Telegael (Ireland) have announced that their new animated co-pro Teenage Fairytale Dropouts has...
Nicktoons has ordered Wild Grinders, a new animated comedy series based on the work and life of pro skateboarder Rob Dyrdek.
The 26-episode series is...
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