Laurence Rickard and Ben Willbond, part of the Theme There comedy theater collective who created the trans-Atlantic hit Ghosts, are reportedly in development on their...
A new animated school-based original comedy series, Dodo, narrated by singer-songwriter Ricky Wilson and starring Dylan Llewellyn (Derry Girls) as the voice of the...
***This article originally appeared in the May '21 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 310)***
When British author and illustrator Liz Pichon’s first Tom Gates book...
The children’s series Scream Street has offered an enjoyable mix of stop-motion madness and harmless frights since it debuted on CBBC five years ago....
Sky today announced the commission of the new hybrid children’s series The Brilliant World of Tom Gates, from TG Entertainment Limited, which will be...
Netflix has unveiled the official trailer for upcoming supernatural mystery series Locke & Key, premiering February 7. Created for TV by Carlton Cuse (Lost),...
The British Academy Children’s Awards were held at London’s The Brewery on Sunday, December 1, crowning many worthy animated winners. Determined by BAFTA, the...
The nominees for this year’s British Academy Children's Awards which honor the very best in children's media were announced today. The Awards take place at The...
The 2018 British Academy Children's Awards were held Sunday night, celebrating the best in live-action and animated content for young audiences in the U.K....
The nominees have been revealed for the 2018 British Academy Children’s Awards, celebrating the best in live-action and animated content for young audiences in...
Organizers of the Kidscreen Summit 2018, taking place Feb. 12-15 in Miami, FL (, have announced the nominees for the upcoming children/teen TV awards....
The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences announced the winners of the 5th International Emmy Kids Awards at a lively ceremony held Tuesday...
Digital entertainment service Azoomee -- which offers TV shows, games, audiobooks, art studio and messaging within a kid-safe app -- has licensed 90 hours...
UK's CBBC Productions has boosted its scripted production team with the appointment of Tim Searle, formerly of Tiger Aspect, to oversee its animated comedy...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts has announced this year’s British Academy Children’s Awards nominees. Live-action educational parody Horrible Histories snagged three...
The British Academy of Film and Television Arts, or BAFTA, has revealed the nominees for its British Academy Children’s Awards, taking place in London...
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