The creator of Netflix's acclaimed animated dark comedy BoJack Horseman, Raphael Bob-Waksberg took to Twitter this week to weigh in on the streamer's controversial...
In Friday's new episode of Mira, Royal Detective, world renowned actress, chef and cookbook author Madhur Jaffrey and her daughter, actress Sakina Jaffrey (House...
Epic fantasy fans are keyed up to unwrap the highly anticipated Andrzej Sapowski adaptation The Witcher, arriving on Netflix December 20. The final trailer...
Netflix debuted the brand-new main trailer for upcoming epic fantasy The Witcher to fans at Italy’s Lucca Comics and Games convention on Thursday, peeling...
Netflix has unveiled teaser art and first-look photos for the next big fantasy epic adaptation: The Witcher. Adapted from the best-selling novel series by...
Netflix has dropped the “NSFW Trailer” for its first ever animated adult anthology series: Love Death and Robots. The 18-part collection of shorts from...
The Art Directors Guild (IATSE Local 800) has announced the nominees for its 23rd annual awards, celebrating excellence in production design for feature films...
One of television's favorite bosses, Alec Baldwin of 30 Rock notoriety, will be utilizing his natural suave, commanding vocal presence for the DreamWorks Animation's...
The Hollywood Post Alliance has announced its nominees for the 2014 HPA Awards, the 9th annual unveiling of these honors, including three categories for...
Comedy Central has offered a first glimpse at it's upcoming mature-audiences animated comedy Moonbeam City, coming to the channel in 2015. The Patrick-Nagel-meets-TRON stylized...
A new animated Transformers series following up on the events of the Transformers Prime series has entered production with an early 2015 premiere date...
The Writers Guild of America has announced the nominations for outstanding achievement in television, new media, news, radio, promotional writing and graphic animation for...
Home entertainment streaming outlet Netflix and DreamWorks Animation have announced they will create the first ever Netflix Original Series for young audiences by adapting...
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