The winners have been announced for the prestigious British Animation Awards 2024 ( at a ceremony held at London’s BFI Southbank, presented by comedian Henning...
A charming spirit is ready to visit home screens this holiday season, as Shout! Studios and Shout! Kids bring The Canterville Ghost to Digital platforms...
Lurking just around the corner, the literary classic-inspired animated adventure The Canterville Ghost is ready to haunt theaters across the U.S. on Friday, October 20!...
Blue Fox Entertainment is bringing another Stephen Fry-starring animated jaunt to North American theaters, teaming up with Shout! Studios to conjure the British CGI...
Terry Pratchett fans of all ages are preparing to enter an animated Discworld adventure when The Amazing Maurice makes its U.S. premiere! Selected to screen at the...
The Amazing Maurice, based on the Carnegie award-winning novel by Terry Pratchett, has earned the rare animated feature distinction as a selection for the...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Interest in animated feature projects continues to grow, so it’s never...
Terry Pratchett’s famous orange cat The Amazing Maurice has booked his official U.S. theatrical engagement. Viva Kids Distribution (Around the World in 80 Days,...
Following Sky’s successful Up Next showcase event at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, London last night (May 17), where the broadcaster unveiled an exciting...
***This article originally appeared in the March '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 318)***
Fans of the great British fantasy author Terry Pratchett have been...
Sky (U.K.) released first-look character images and new teaser poster for The Amazing Maurice, a Sky Original arriving next year to mark the 20th Anniversary of...
Leading European media company and pay-TV broadcaster Sky confirmed additional cast for upcoming animated Sky Original movie The Amazing Maurice on Friday. David Tennant...
The Amazing Maurice, a CGI animated feature co-production of Sky (U.K.), Ulysses Filmproduktion (Germany) and Cantilever Media (Ireland), has found the purr-fect voice stars!...
Award-winning studio Aardman has joined forces with global campaign Malaria Must Die So Millions Can Live to raise awareness of the disease’s deadly history,...
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