Hulu Originals has appointed Kelci Parker to the newly created position of Vice President, Animation, to support continued efforts to expand the streamer's adult animation offerings. Parker...
During the Television Critics Association’s Summer Press Tour on Friday, Hulu presented the company’s lineup of upcoming original programming, including the second season of...
As evidenced by recent viewing trends, Hulu viewers love adult animation. During the past year, over half of Hulu subscribers have watched content from...
During the Television Critics Association’s Winter Press Tour at the Langham Hotel in Pasadena, California, Hulu’s SVP of Originals Craig Erwich presented the company’s...
Hulu has OKed a 10-episode order for a new, star-studded animated comedy titled Crossing Swords, from Emmy-winning Robot Chicken exec producers John Harvatine IV...
Season two of 9 Story Entertainment's animated primetime comedy Fugget About It has arrived online as a Hulu Original series.
The first two episodes are...
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