The next Annecy International Animation Film Festival will take place from June 8-14, 2025, and will pay tribute to Hungarian animation. The event will...
North America's largest event of its kind, the Ottawa International Animation Festival announced the winners of the 45th Anniversary of the Festival on Friday,...
Mondo TV is returning to MIPCOM with new and expanding titles. “Despite the difficulties of the past 18 months, we have successfully developed, produced...
Emmy Award-winning French animation production and distribution company Dandelooo has signed several deals for the enchanting 2D preschool series Little Bear, commissioned by France...
A post-apocalyptic exodus, global superpower caricatures, nuclear necromancy, a 3D-rendered samurai lich -- these are just a few of the heavy metal alloys the...
Cinekid has chosen 30 children’s media projects in development to participate in its Junior Co-production Market, taking place October 20-21 in Amsterdam. Selections include...
Hungary's Kecskemet Animation Film Festival is celebrating its 10th edition this year, and is seeking submissions by March 11 of European-made feature films and...
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