In December, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences revealed its 10-title shortlist of works under consideration for nomination in the Best Animated...
The much-anticipated new Google Spotlight Stories project making a big splash on the VR and animation scene is available to view online today.
Anyone who’s...
Google Spotlight Stories will be debuting the highly anticipated, ambitious new short film project Age of Sail, from Oscar-winning director John Kahrs (Paperman), will...
As the 10th anniversary year draws near for Henry Selick’s Coraline -- adapted from Neil Gaiman’s children’s book and marking the feature film debut...
Barajoun Entertainment’s much buzzed-about animated historical epic Bilal: A New Breed of Hero will make its US theatrical debut on February 2, 2018 through...
Big-budget CGI animated features are continuing to be more prevalent in places outside Hollywood. The Palm Springs International Animation Festival will help spread the...
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