BOOM! Studios announces Over the Garden Wall: Soulful Symphonies, a brand new, five-issue limited comic book series set in the world inspired by the...
VIZ Media is providing an important resource for trainers in North America, with the digital launch of a comprehensive library of Pokémon manga titles....
Comics house BOOM! Studios, in partnership with Cartoon Network, has revealed a sneak preview at all-new original graphic novel Over the Garden Wall: Distillatoria,...
Comics publisher BOOM! Studios (Adventure Time, Steven Universe) continues it’s “Road to San Diego” 10-day spotlight of exciting upcoming titles leading into Comic-Con with...
A new, terribly relatable original graphic novel about one woman’s quest to fulfill her animation career dreams will be hitting shelves in December, when...
VIZ Media has slated some noteworthy animation-related additions to its upcoming publishing slate. During its official panel at pop culture and comics convention C2E2,...
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