Nickelodeon’s ultimate cartoon trivia showdown, Tooned In, returns for Season 2 with Jerry Trainor (iCarly) co-hosting alongside the animated A.I. supercomputer, Nicky (voiced by...
Universal Filmed Entertainment Group announced that Margie Cohn has been named President, DreamWorks Animation, effective immediately. Cohn, who previously served as President of DreamWorks...
MIPJunior has announced that Margie Cohn, President of DreamWorks Animation Television, will keynote this year’s edition of the world-leading kids’ entertainment industry event. The...
A new clip from Nickelodeon's new animated series The Adventures of Kid Danger has debuted online.
The half-hour animated show is based on characters from...
Top kids’ network Nickelodeon held its annual upfront presentation in New York on Thursday, full of exciting announcements on the animation and broader content...
We are just ferociously delighted to share with our readers that Nickelodeon’s spankin’ new, original animated series Bunsen Is a Beast will debut on...
Entertainment One’s Momentum Pictures will release Korean-made CG animated feature Bling in select U.S. theaters starting May 6. The film is produced by animation...
Corus Entertainment, the exclusive brand partner for Nickelodeon in Canada, announces a new content deal with Netflix which gives the streaming giant exclusive rights...
Marjorie Cohn, Nickelodeon’s president of content development, is leaving the cabler. Nickelodeon Group president Cyma Zarghami announced her departure in a company-wide email on...
U.S. kids have a new children’s programming platform this week as Hulu debuts its kids and families portal Hulu Kids ( in its Hulu...
Nickelodeon will premiere a brand-new half-hour special episode of Butch Hartman’s T.U.F.F. Puppy titled “Happy Howl-O-Ween” this Saturday, October 27 at 2 p.m. (ET/PT)!
Two more top-level Nickelodeon execs have left the building. On Thursday, Paul Ward, a 22-year veteran of MTV Networks and head of prime-time acquisitions,...
Continuing its winning streak after taking the Golden Globe Award a week ago, Steven Spielberg’s The Adventures of Tintin took home the Producers Guild...
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